Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Struggling with what to blog about.

Actually that's kind of a lie. I've got nothing to say. I am blogging about that.
Who knew? Me, with nothing to say, about anything...but really, I have things to say about not having anything to say.

-I could blog about the controversy of the FSA opinion is that it isn't helping the children's eductation, it isn't controlled in any way, ditch it, the kids get so little real 'education' time now, and this cuts into it.
-I could blog about my total stalling in my Design Your Life class. I can't even get started again, and yes, the class is 5 weeks past being finished. This also runs into the Project 365 I've been doing. I've run out of things to take pictures of. Kids aren't any fun, dogs are done, snow is still here.
-I could blog about what I've been doing...made cookies last night using Marg's secret recipe, had an awsome sushi dinner with Misty-Rae, lots of catching up, Terrell came over to learn the basic needs for scrapbooking, scared her away, watched new tv...Heroes(got messed up), Medium, Law and Order SVU, nothing super exciting, just everyday stuff.
-I could blog about how I'm not loving my Movers and Shapers die, I'm going to call SU and tell them instead of blogging about it.

That's it.

1 comment:

bcgal00 Rae said...

I loved Medium..I always do. Heroes I need to catch up on before watching the new ones